Contact me if you are interested in writing a thesis (BSc, MSc, “Projektarbeit”). Possible topics include machine learning for various applications, combination of machine learning with physics-based modeling and numerical algorithms, as well as numerical methods for time-dependent differential equations, PDE-constrained optimization, and inverse problems.
Current (WiSe 2024)
- EIM-Seminar Adversarial attacks
- Tutorium and exercise classes Mathematik II (Analysis) DE/EN, SoSe 2024
- Seminar Technomathematics (MSc/BSc), WiSe 2023/24
- IIW-Project Machine learning approaches to data compression, WiSe 2023/24
- Tutorium Mathematik II (Analysis) DE/EN, SoSe 2023
- Seminar Kombinationen von numerischen Algorithmen und Maschinellem Lernen/Combination of numerical algorithms and machine learning for IIW/CS/DS/TM, WiSe 2022/23
- IIW-Project Machine learning approaches to data compression, WiSe 2022/23
- Tutorium Mathematik II (Analysis) DE/EN, SoSe 2022
- Tutorium Mathematics I EN (Linear Algebra, Mathematical Analysis), WiSe 2021/22
- Seminar Optimierungsverfahren für Maschinelles Lernen/Optimization methods for machine learning, SoSe 2021
- Tutorium Mathematical Analysis (EN), SoSe 2021
- Tutorium Linear Algebra (EN), WiSe 2020/21
- Lecture Nonlinear Optimization, SoSe 2017, FU Berlin
- Lecture Introduction into Programming with Matlab, BSRT Pick-up Course: Engineering for Biologists, Berlin, Germany, January 9, 2014 and January 11, 2013